Internet security & antispam
This is a Hilbert map of the coverage of IPv4 provided by the most recent build of the Enemieslist patterns dataset, broken down by /8, beginning with 0/8 in the top left and following the same layout as XKCD's map of the Internet.
White squares represent those which are 100% classified. 73/8 is Comcast, one of the first /8s we fully classified. 48/8 is Prudential, with only 183 public PTRs, and 9/8 is IBM, with two, same as 25/8, the UK Ministry of Defense. 53/8 is Daimler AG, with 0 public PTRs. 56/8 is the US Postal Service.
The army green squares represent United States Department of Defense (DoD) reserved allocations with no public PTRs at all. The blue squares represent the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) reserved blocks - 0/8, 10/8 (RFC 1918 private addressing), 127/8 (loopback), 224-239/8 (multicast) and 240-255/8. The other RFC1918 space is not marked as reserved, however, so just imagine a few blue pixels in 192/8 at the bottom right of the top right quadrant, and 172/8, third up from the bottom right.
N.B.: as hosts are constantly changing, some variance in closure is to be expected.
The scale then steps down by 5% per gray level, then down to medium gray for between 50% and 60% coverage. Mouse over the map for a numbered view, and mouse out for a sparse view. The /8 your mouse is over will highlight the proper indicator in the scale above. Mousing over the keys will highlight the matching /8 squares below.
I went ahead and added a description to the map so that when you mouseover it will show you what the particular /8 consists of; notably, many of the original "Class A" assignments remain completely under the control of their assignees (Apple, HP, IBM, Ford, and so forth).
Thanks to Jason Kottke for Silkscreen, the font used in both our logotype and in the overlay.