
Internet security & antispam

Hilbert map of Enemieslist coverage of the IPv4 PTR namespace

This is a Hilbert map of the coverage of IPv4 provided by the most recent build of the Enemieslist patterns dataset, broken down by /8, beginning with 0/8 in the top left and following the same layout as XKCD's map of the Internet.

White squares represent those which are 100% classified. 73/8 is Comcast, one of the first /8s we fully classified. 48/8 is Prudential, with only 183 public PTRs, and 9/8 is IBM, with two, same as 25/8, the UK Ministry of Defense. 53/8 is Daimler AG, with 0 public PTRs. 56/8 is the US Postal Service. The blocks with few public IPs occasionally add new public PTRs so 48/8 for example may appear dark at the moment, but that's because they just added a few more PTRs.

The army green squares represent United States Department of Defense (DoD) reserved allocations with no public PTRs at all. The blue squares represent the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) reserved blocks - 0/8, 10/8 (RFC 1918 private addressing), 127/8 (loopback), 224-239/8 (multicast) and 240-255/8. The other RFC1918 space is not marked as reserved, however, so just imagine a few blue pixels in 192/8 at the bottom right of the top right quadrant, and 172/8, third up from the bottom right.

N.B.: as hosts are constantly changing, some variance in closure is to be expected.

The scale then steps down by 5% per gray level, then down to medium gray for between 50% and 60% coverage. Mouse over the map for a numbered view, and mouse out for a sparse view. The /8 your mouse is over will highlight the proper indicator in the scale above. Mousing over the keys will highlight the matching /8 squares below.

I went ahead and added a description to the map so that when you mouseover it will show you what the particular /8 consists of; notably, many of the original "Class A" assignments remain completely under the control of their assignees (Apple, HP, IBM, Ford, and so forth).

Thanks to Jason Kottke for Silkscreen, the font used in both our logotype and in the overlay.


c0000000ff c001eeeeee c014eeeeee c015eeeeee c016eeeeee c019ffffff c020999999 c0214b5320 c2340000ff c2350000ff c2360000ff c2390000ff c2400000ff c2410000ff c2540000ff c2550000ff
c003eeeeee c002eeeeee c013eeeeee c012eeeeee c017cccccc c018eeeeee c023eeeeee c0224b5320 c2330000ff c2320000ff c2370000ff c2380000ff c2430000ff c2420000ff c2530000ff c2520000ff
c004eeeeee c0074b5320 c008dddddd c0114b5320 c0304b5320 c0294b5320 c024eeeeee c025ffffff c2300000ff c2310000ff c2260000ff c2250000ff c2440000ff c2470000ff c2480000ff c2510000ff
c005eeeeee c006ffffff c009ffffff c0100000ff c031eeeeee c0284b5320 c027eeeeee c0264b5320 c2290000ff c2280000ff c2270000ff c2240000ff c2450000ff c2460000ff c2490000ff c2500000ff
c058eeeeee c057eeeeee c054eeeeee c053000000 c032eeeeee c035eeeeee c036eeeeee c037eeeeee c218eeeeee c219eeeeee c220eeeeee c223eeeeee c202dddddd c201eeeeee c198cccccc c197eeeeee
c059eeeeee c056ffffff c0554b5320 c052eeeeee c033ffffff c034eeeeee c039ffffff c038bbbbbb c217eeeeee c216cccccc c221eeeeee c222eeeeee c203dddddd c200eeeeee c199dddddd c196dddddd
c060eeeeee c061eeeeee c050eeeeee c051eeeeee c046eeeeee c045dddddd c040dddddd c041eeeeee c214eeeeee c215ffffff c210eeeeee c209cccccc c204cccccc c205dddddd c194bbbbbb c195bbbbbb
c063dddddd c062dddddd c049eeeeee c048bbbbbb c047eeeeee c044eeeeee c043eeeeee c042eeeeee c213dddddd c212cccccc c211eeeeee c208cccccc c207cccccc c206cccccc c193bbbbbb c192cccccc
c064dddddd c067eeeeee c068eeeeee c069eeeeee c122eeeeee c123eeeeee c124eeeeee c1270000ff c128bbbbbb c131bbbbbb c132aaaaaa c133dddddd c186eeeeee c187eeeeee c188eeeeee c191eeeeee
c065dddddd c066dddddd c071eeeeee c070eeeeee c121eeeeee c120eeeeee c125eeeeee c126ffffff c129aaaaaa c130bbbbbb c135eeeeee c134bbbbbb c185bbbbbb c184eeeeee c189eeeeee c190eeeeee
c078eeeeee c077eeeeee c072eeeeee c073ffffff c118eeeeee c119eeeeee c114eeeeee c113eeeeee c142dddddd c141cccccc c136eeeeee c137cccccc c182eeeeee c183eeeeee c178eeeeee c177eeeeee
c079eeeeee c076eeeeee c075eeeeee c074eeeeee c117eeeeee c116eeeeee c115eeeeee c112eeeeee c143cccccc c140bbbbbb c139dddddd c138dddddd c181eeeeee c180eeeeee c179eeeeee c176eeeeee
c080eeeeee c081eeeeee c094eeeeee c095eeeeee c096eeeeee c097eeeeee c110eeeeee c111eeeeee c144dddddd c145eeeeee c158dddddd c159dddddd c160cccccc c161dddddd c174eeeeee c175eeeeee
c083eeeeee c082eeeeee c093eeeeee c092eeeeee c099eeeeee c098eeeeee c109eeeeee c108eeeeee c147bbbbbb c146dddddd c157dddddd c156eeeeee c163dddddd c162dddddd c173eeeeee c172eeeeee
c084eeeeee c087eeeeee c088eeeeee c091eeeeee c100eeeeee c103cccccc c104eeeeee c107eeeeee c148eeeeee c151eeeeee c152dddddd c155dddddd c164dddddd c167dddddd c168dddddd c171eeeeee
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